The system in the body by which blood and lymph are circulated. The parts of the circulatory system include the heart, along with all the arteries, veins, and capillaries. The organs of the lymphatic system are also considered to be
part of the circulatory system. Nutrients, oxygen,
and other vital substances are carried throughout the
body by the blood, which is pumped by rhythmic
contractions of the heart. Blood is pumped from the
heart to the arteries, which branch into smaller
and smaller vessels as they move away from the
heart. The blood passes oxygen and nutrients to
the cells and picks up waste in the capillaries,
then returns to the heart via a system of veins.
part of the circulatory system. Nutrients, oxygen,
and other vital substances are carried throughout the
body by the blood, which is pumped by rhythmic
contractions of the heart. Blood is pumped from the
heart to the arteries, which branch into smaller
and smaller vessels as they move away from the
heart. The blood passes oxygen and nutrients to
the cells and picks up waste in the capillaries,
then returns to the heart via a system of veins.
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